James Hurley – Artist Bio

James Hurley is an emerging contemporary visual artist, who seamlessly blends digital art and photography in Photoshop to explore profound realms of human emotion and transformation. With a background in both digital art and fine art photography (all self-taught), James brings a unique perspective to his craft. His digital creations burst with vibrant colours and intricate details.

His artistic journey is deeply rooted in personal experiences and emotions. He has created artwork and taken photographs since the age of 14 and is currently 57.  Over the last 6 years his work has taken on more meaning and delves into the complexities of human relationships, personal growth, and the pursuit of authenticity amidst societal pressures. Each piece tells a compelling story, inviting viewers to explore their own emotions and connections.

Through his art, James establishes a sanctuary for growth and empowerment. His pieces serve as constant reminders of the vital importance of personal boundaries, authenticity, and the beauty inherent in embracing change. James’s creations offer viewers the opportunity to connect with their own emotions and aspirations.


Whats Left?

In the wake of fallen blossom, a question lingers, whispering across time and nature: “What’s left after the petals fade?” As we ponder this enigma, let its riddle dance not only in the realm of tree blossoms but in the tapestry of our own lives. Are we not like those adorned blooms, embellished to stand out amidst the crowd?

Yet, as we journey deeper into the heart of this question, a truth unfurls like a delicate petal. Beyond the transient allure of trends and the superficial veneer, what remains is the essence. It’s the core of who we are, unadorned and unfiltered – our authenticity. Much like the artwork that speaks to us, we, too, are intricate masterpieces of existence, beneath the surface, embodying worth beyond measure.


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Whats Holding You Back?

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a standstill, unable to move forward or turn back? It’s like you’re on an endless road with no exits in sight. Take a moment to pause. Look around and ask yourself: What’s holding you back? Are there invisible chains around your wrists, someone else holding the leash to your choices, or hands gripping your ankles, anchoring you in place? Reflect on the recent decisions that have led you to where you are now.


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Unreasonable Expectations

Does it ever feel like some people expect more that you are willing to give? They expect you to drop everything and run after them despite how this may affect you or your plans. Sometime those requests become demands, sometimes those demands come with veiled threats sometimes those veiled threats come with physical or mental abuse.

.Throughout our daily journey we encounter all sorts of situations, all sorts of people and we simply ignore whats right in front of us. We ignore the mental and physical manipulation of strangers and friends. We ignore the financial manipulation of employers, banks, businesses and governments. We even leverage manipulation to suit our own goals. For example when we cant accept the answer we are given we try and work around the answer and change the way we ask the question in an attempt to get the answer we want.

When did it become acceptable for your unreasonable expectations to be more important than someone else’s desire to simply live a happy wholesome life without conflict and aggression.

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"Cast Your Spell" In the realm of nature's theater, a captivating tale unfolds with each passing season. Imagine the early flourish of spring, where flowers burst into vibrant life, casting a mesmerizing spell upon all who behold them. Their hues, interwoven with delicate scents, weave an enchanting invitation to the pollinators of the world. It's a performance that captures hearts and ignites the dance of life. But as time whirls onward, the winds of change sweep through, and the once-lavish hues begin to fade, and the fragrant symphony softens. The captivating spell seems to wane, petals fluttering to the ground, leaving only the core of the flowers to bear witness to transformation. This is the moment when resilience takes center stage.

Cast Your Spell

In the realm of nature’s theater, a captivating tale unfolds with each passing season.

Imagine the early flourish of spring, where flowers burst into vibrant life, casting a mesmerizing spell upon all who behold them. Their hues, interwoven with delicate scents, weave an enchanting invitation to the pollinators of the world. It’s a performance that captures hearts and ignites the dance of life.

But as time whirls onward, the winds of change sweep through, and the once-lavish hues begin to fade, and the fragrant symphony softens. The captivating spell seems to wane, petals fluttering to the ground, leaving only the core of the flowers to bear witness to transformation. This is the moment when resilience takes centre stage.


Coming Soon
Amidst the glare of a thousand spotlights, a profound realization dawns – it's time to step out from the shadows of pretence. The allure of opulent makeup, the transient shimmer of extravagant attire, the weight of ostentatious accessories – it's time to release them all. Cast aside the façade, for it's a symphony of authenticity that truly resonates. The echo of society's judgments, the expectations of status, the desire for validation through material possessions – they all fade to a mere whisper. It's in this moment that the true spotlight finds its mark – not on the trinkets, but on the genuine self, stripped of embellishments.

Stage Fright

Amidst the glare of a thousand spotlights, a profound realization dawns – it’s time to step out from the shadows of pretence. The allure of opulent makeup, the transient shimmer of extravagant attire, the weight of ostentatious accessories – it’s time to release them all. Cast aside the façade, for it’s a symphony of authenticity that truly resonates.

The echo of society’s judgments, the expectations of status, the desire for validation through material possessions – they all fade to a mere whisper. It’s in this moment that the true spotlight finds its mark – not on the trinkets, but on the genuine self, stripped of embellishments.


Coming Soon
Amidst the noise of the world and the external facades we often adorn, it's all too easy to lose sight of our true essence. We're drawn into the allure of material possessions, the fleeting satisfaction of appearances, and the expectations that others project onto us. But in the midst of this chaos, have you ever paused to look within, to truly know yourself beyond the layers? Deep within the heart of your being lies a reservoir of authenticity, untouched by makeup or trinkets. Beneath the surface, your core values are like guiding stars, waiting to illuminate your path. Do you measure up to your own standards, your own aspirations? Or have you allowed yourself to be swept along by the tides of others' desires, your life's threads held in their grasp?


Amidst the noise of the world and the external facades we often adorn, it’s all too easy to lose sight of our true essence. We’re drawn into the allure of material possessions, the fleeting satisfaction of appearances, and the expectations that others project onto us. But in the midst of this chaos, have you ever paused to look within, to truly know yourself beyond the layers?

Deep within the heart of your being lies a reservoir of authenticity, untouched by makeup or trinkets. Beneath the surface, your core values are like guiding stars, waiting to illuminate your path. Do you measure up to your own standards, your own aspirations? Or have you allowed yourself to be swept along by the tides of others’ desires, your life’s threads held in their grasp?


Coming Soon